...because something else really got under my skin today and I clearly need to vent about it or I won't be able to focus enough to do the things I need to do today. So... let's go back in time, shall we, to late last summer. One of my best friends ' first child was born with some issues. Lil Spencer spent many a day in the NICU. While he was there, his terrified mother and my dear friend repeatedly made requests on facebook and the like that if people were so inclined to pray for her newborn son. Or if not the praying type, to send positive thoughts, good juju, whatever was right for them to send. I liked that. I liked the way she did that. "Please do what makes sense for you and within your beliefs to send some hope to my child." Now jump ahead a few months to when I was sick. From day one, people were praying for me. To a god (or gods) I don't believe in - not even in the slightest. But those prayers made sense for them - and I truly believe t
**This post was transferred from the now defunct "The Long Ease" blog.** Well, today SHOULD HAVE been Treatment Day #24... but things don't always go according to plan... Yesterday, as I sat across from Ryan during our Labor Day breakfast at our corner diner, I was feeling pretty great. Like, finally feeling like I knew for sure that I was getting better. No doubt in my mind. I even felt comfortable saying it out loud. That was an awesome feeling. After breakfast, we went to run some errands, and I started to feel a little "bleh" in the belly. Bloated and uncomfortable by the time we got home, I was in and out of the bathroom for a couple hours. Ryan guessed that I probably got a mushroom in my omelette somehow. Not hard to believe and the symptoms seemed similar to the mushroom situation. But as the day went on, I started to feel like it was less gastric upset, and more the same stupid lower abdominal pain that has accompanied my last several infe
**This post was transferred from the now defunct "The Long Ease" blog.** Treatment Day: 1 Arrival Time at Lutheran Hospital Wound Healing Center: 7:50am Appointment Time: 8:00am Doctor Arrived and I got to go back to where the tubes are: 8:12am Noteable things about self as I prepare to enter the tube: Not terribly nervous. Bangs are out of control, as no hair products (or makeup or deodorant or anything, really) are allowed. Commando is not a state I feel at all comfortable in - but underpants are also forbidden. Blood Pressure Before: 100 over 60-something Treatment length: 2.5 hours Physical things noted during treatment: Ears pop a LOT as they brought me up to pressure level in the beginning and then back down at the end. Mouth is dry (they gave me a tiny squirt bottle of water and I tried very hard not to waste it). Coughing hurts my chest. Feet and shoulders got cold about an hour before it ended - must remember to unfold blanket better tomo
I love this pic...beauty throughout.