Day Forty!

**This post was transferred from the now defunct "The Long Ease" blog.** Two days ago, I said something to the nurse at HBOT about being almost done and she mentioned the fact that my insurance had approved 30 more sessions after the initial 30. It sent me into complete freak-out mode - I'm not going to lie. I think I had been getting through all of this stuff knowing that there was this countdown. This end date. I felt completely blindsided by her news. Did I HAVE to keep going? What would they say at work? Can I afford to keep getting these tiny paychecks? SHOULD I keep going? Would more be better, even though I am already feeling so much better? I had a million questions. And the problem was that NO ONE can answer them. The doctors at the Wound Center seem to know basically NOTHING about my condition. The questions they've asked me in the follow-up sessions I have with them every week or two are useless. ...