Italy: Day Fourteen... The Last Day

I cannot believe the trip is almost over...
After breakfast this morning, we walked along the water for a bit until it was time for our Secret Itineraries Tour of the Doge's Palace. And dudes. SO COOL! If you know me at all, you know I love a secret. And this tour was all about secret rooms, secret passages, secret documents. And it also gave me the opportune to touch ALL KINDS of stuff that I wasn't supposed to touch: desks from like 600 years ago, mirror frames, fire places, benches... Pretty much everything we weren't supposed to touch on this tour I was rubbing me greedy paws all over. Woohoo!
We learned all about Casanova, who was imprisoned there and even got to see both the cell he was originally in and tried to escape from, and then the one he was moved to and eventually DID escape from! Oh, Casanova!
Once the tour was done, Wendy and I set out in search of a gondola ride... But holy crap!!!! Waaaaaaaaaay too expensive and just not worth it, we decided. I don't care if it's their thing here - I'll be keeping my €100, thank you very much! Mum's travel belly was getting the better of her at that isn't, so Wendy and I were left to our own devices for the afternoon. Immediately, I ran out and bought not one but TWO handbags!!! I am so ridiculous.
We then found a nice cafe and had a glass of wine and talked about all sorts of stuff. My sister and I have been close since our folks married thirty years ago, but in the same way that it happens to a lot of people, we just sort of lost the frequency of our chats. So it was very nice for me to just sit and chat with her about everything: my treatments, our men, our lives since we saw ech other more and talked to each other more. Very cool. After finishing our wine, we went and sat any the water and chatted more. I cried. Because that seems to be what I do these days. And all in all, it was just lovely!
It wasn't quite dinner time, so we decided to walk over and at least FIND the Venice Hard Rock Cafe, since that has been our last night in town tradition on this trip, so we could get there easily after we collected mum from the hotel. We went back and began packing since we have to leave for the boat to he airport at 8a.m. tomorrow. I think I bought too many souvenirs... Dinner at the Hard Rock was, once again, very good and a welcome break from noodles and tomatoes and whathaveyou.
And now, here I sit in the lobby, catching up on this final day and end up chatting with the guy who works here. Learned that our very cute hotel is 890 years old and is a "very lucky hotel". I'm not sure what that meansm but i like it. And I have to assume it does NOT have anything to do with the 4000 mosquitoes living in our room that but me ALL OVER MY FACE last night. Yeah... I have at least 25 bites, more than half of which are on my lovely mug! Gonna be lookin pretty sexy when I get home to my husband tomorrow night...
Anyhow. Thanks for following along with me on my journey. I'm sure I will have Its more to say and many photos to post once I am home...
Xxo, Phoebe


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