Italy Photos, Part 7

These are the last of my Rome pictures.  There's still lots more from Florence and Venice, though, so stay tuned...


This is an ACTUAL dead body from, like, a long time ago. In a glass box.  Still  lookin' pretty decent.

Amazing dome inside St. Peter's Basilica.

My initials.  In St. Peter's.  They must've been expecting me.

The Swiss Guard.  Awesome.

Statues, statues everywhere.

PINK! Cute!

Museo Frankenstein?

Dunno, but I like it.

I think we have these pricker-ball trees on my street.

This was an elementary school.  I'd have nightmares!

Fabulous window.

Treats.  I can't believe I actually LOST weight in Italy.

I need a balcony JUST so I can have flower boxes.

Oh crap.  Another church.  No idea.

Inside the Pantheon.  Pretty amazing.


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